El Progresso

Producer: Smallholder producers
Cultivar: Caturra, Pache, Catuaí
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1750-2000m
Harvest: April – July
Notes: noughat – green apple – honey
Roast: Omni


With the Pacific Ocean to one side and the Andes to the other, the mountainous country of Peru is the third largest coffee producer in South America, behind Brazil and Colombia, with an average of four million sacks (69kgs) produced each year.

Its thriving coffee sector is well established and continues to support the livelihoods of more than 200,000 smallholder producers. The remoteness of the coffee farms and average farm size (less than four hectares) has allowed for the development of micro-lots that command higher prices in the specialty coffee sector. In addition, the country’s lush highlands and good heirloom varieties offer the potential for growers to overcome the obstacles of limited infrastructure and market access as production and demand increases.



This washed process blend of Caturra, Pache, Catuai varieties are grown by producers who cultivate their coffee taround La Coipa, in the San Ignacio district. Producers selectively pick and process their coffee cherries before drying the parchment  on a lined patio. The processing involves resting the cherries after harvesting for one day before removing all the floaters, depulping, and fermenting for 24-36 hours, followed by up to two weeks of drying.

Producers bring their parchment to our warehouse in Jaén. The parchment bags are sampled for physical analysis and then for sensory analysis. On the same day, the producer receives a price based on the results of the two analyses, and the bank transfer is made instantly. Afterwards, the parchment bags are repacked with an extra plastic bag to maintain quality all the way prior to milling and exporting.



Sourced through our friends at Falcon Specialty, we love this coffee for its clean malic acidity that reminds us of green apple, complemented by a honey-like sweetness. This a balanced coffee that it can be brewed across a range of brew methods, including espresso, We have developed the coffee with a longer roast profile to emphasise the rich, nougat body that lasts long into the finish.

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